
sabara carana-krpa--’guru upadhyayi’

mora vani--sisya, tare bahuta nacai


sabara—of all of them; carana-krpa—the mercy of the lotus feet; guru upadhyayi—my teacher of Vedic instruction; mora vani—my words; sisya—the disciples; tare—them; bahuta nacai—I made dance in various ways.

The mercy of their lotus feet is my spiritual master, and my words are my disciples that I have made dance in various ways.


Upadhyayi, or upadhyaya, refers to one who teaches when approached (upetya adhiyate asmat).

In the Manu-samhita it is said:

eka-desam tu vedasya

vedangany api va punah

yo ’dhyapayati vrtty-artham

upadhyayah sa ucyate “One who teaches others a part of the Vedas or literatures supplementary to the Vedas may be called upadhyaya.” Upadhyaya also refers to one who teaches art.