
cakravarti sivananda sada vrajavasi

mahasakha-madhye tenho sudrdha visvasi


cakravarti sivananda—of the name Sivananda Cakravarti; sada—always; vraja-vasi—resident of Vrndavana; maha-sakha-madhye—amongst the great branches; tenho—he is; sudrdha visvasi—possessing firm faith.

Sivananda Cakravarti, the thirty-third branch, who always lived in Vrndavana with firm conviction, is considered an important branch of Gadadhara Pandita.


The Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika, verse 183, mentions that Sivananda Cakravarti was formerly Lavanga-manjari.

The Sakha-nirnaya, written by Yadunandana dasa, also names other branches of Gadadhara Pandita, as follows: (1) Madhava Acarya, (2) Gopala dasa, (3) Hrdayananda, (4) Vallabha Bhatta (the Vallabha-sampradaya, or Pustimarga-sampradaya, is very famous), (5) Madhu Pandita (this famous devotee lived near Khadadaha in the village known as Sanibona-grama, about two miles east of the Khadadaha station, and constructed the temple of Gopinathaji in Vrndavana), (6) Acyutananda, (7) Candrasekhara, (8) Vakresvara Pandita, (9) Damodara, (10) Bhagavan Acarya, (11) Ananta Acaryavarya, (12) Krsnadasa, (13) Paramananda Bhattacarya, (14) Bhavananda Gosvami, (15) Caitanya dasa, (16) Lokanatha Bhatta (this devotee, who lived in the village of Talakhadi in the district of Yasohara and constructed the temple of Radhavinoda, was the spiritual master of Narottama dasa Thakura and a great friend of Bhugarbha Gosvami), (17) Govinda Acarya, (18) Akrura Thakura, (19) Sanketa Acarya, (20) Pratapaditya, (21) Kamalakanta Acarya, (22) Yadava Acarya and (23) Narayana Padihari (a resident of Jagannatha Puri).