
ei ta’ kahilun haridasera vijaya

yahara sravane krsne drdha-bhakti haya


ei ta’-thus; kahilun—I have spoken; haridasera—of Haridasa Thakura; vijaya—victory; yahara sravane—by hearing which; krsne—unto Lord Krsna; drdha-bhakti—firm devotional service; haya—becomes.

Thus I have spoken about the victorious passing away of Haridasa Thakura.

Anyone who hears this narration will certainly fix his mind firmly in devotional service to Krsna.


At Purusottama-ksetra, or Jagannatha Puri, there is a temple of Tota-gopinatha.

If one goes from there to the sea, he can discover the tomb of Haridasa Thakura still existing.

Every year on the date of Ananta-caturdasi there is a festival to commemorate the passing away of Haridasa Thakura.

At the same place, three Deities of Nityananda, Krsna Caitanya and Advaita Prabhu were established about one hundred years ago.

A gentleman named Bhramaravara from Kendrapada in the province of Orissa contributed funds to establish these Deities in the temple.

The management of the temple was under the Tota-gopinatha gosvamis.

This temple was later sold to someone else, and this party is now maintaining the seva-puja of the temple.

Near this temple and the tomb of Haridasa Thakura, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura constructed a small house, called Bhakti-kuti.

In the Bengali year 1329 (A.D 1922), Purusottama-matha, a branch of the Gaudiya Matha, was established there in the Bhakti-ratnakara it is stated:

srinivasa sighra samudrera kule gela

haridasa-thakurera samadhi dekhila

bhumite padiya kaila pranati vistara

bhagavata-gana sri-samadhi-sannidhane

srinivase sthira kaila sasneha-vacane

punah srinivasa sri-samadhi pranamiya

ye vilapa kaila, ta sunile drave hiya “Srinivasa Thakura quickly ran to the seashore.

When he saw the tomb of Haridasa Thakura, he immediately fell down offering prayers and almost fainted.

The devotees present there pacified him with very sweet and affectionate words, and Srinivasa again offered his obeisances to the tomb.