
"haridasera vijayotsava ye kaila darsana

ye ihan nrtya kaila, ye kaila kirtana

ye tanre valuka dite karila gamana

tara madhye mahotsave ye kaila bhojana

acire ha-ibe ta-sabara ’krsna-prapti’

haridasa-darasane haya aiche ’sakti’


haridasera—of Haridasa Thakura; vijaya-utsava—the festival of the passing away; ye—anyone who; kaila darsana—has seen; ye—anyone who; ihan—here; nrtya kaila—danced; ye—anyone who; kaila kirtana—chanted; ye—anyone who; tanre—upon him; valuka dite—to offer sand; karila gamana—came forward; tara madhye—in that connection; mahotsave—in the festival; ye—anyone who; kaila bhojana—took prasada; acire—very soon; ha-ibe—there will be; ta-sabara—of all of them; krsna-prapti—attainment of Krsna; haridasa-darasane—by seeing Haridasa Thakura; haya—there is; aiche—such; sakti—power.

Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu gave this benediction: "Anyone who has seen the festival of Sri Haridasa Thakura’s passing away, anyone who has chanted and danced here, anyone who has offered sand on the body of Haridasa Thakura and anyone who has joined this festival to partake of the prasada will achieve the favor of Krsna very soon.

There is such wonderful power in seeing Haridasa Thakura.