
aiche vicitra krida kari’, tire aila sri-hari, sange lana saba kanta-gana

gandha-taila-mardana, amalaki-udvartana, seva kare tire sakhi-gana


aiche—such; vicitra—wonderful; krida—pastimes; kari’-performing; tire—on the bank; aila—arrived; sri-hari—Lord Sri Krsna; sange—with Him; lana—taking; saba kanta-gana—all the beloved gopis; gandha—scented; taila—oil; mardana—massaging; amalaki—of the amalaki fruit; udvartana—anointing with paste; seva kare—render service; tire—on the bank of the Yamuna; sakhi-gana—all the gopis "After performing such wonderful pastimes, Lord Sri Krsna got up on the shore of the Yamuna River, taking with Him all His beloved gopis.

Then the gopis on the riverbank rendered service by massaging Krsna and the other gopis with scented oil and smearing paste of amalaki fruit on their bodies.