’mora name sikhi-mahitira bhagini-sthane giya
sukla-caula eka mana anaha magiya’
mora name—in my name; sikhi-mahitira—of Sikhi Mahiti; bhagini-sthane—at the place of the sister; giya—going; sukla-caula—white rice; eka mana—the measurement of one mana; anaha—please bring; magiya—requesting “Please go to the sister of Sikhi Mahiti.
In my name, ask her for a mana of white rice and bring it here.”
In India sukla-caula (white rice) is also called atapa-caula, or rice that has not been boiled before being threshed.
Another kind of rice, called siddha-caula (brown rice), is boiled before being threshed.
Generally, first-class fine white rice is required for offerings to the Deity.
Thus Bhagavan Acarya asked Chota Haridasa, or Junior Haridasa, a singer in the assembly of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, to get some of this rice from the sister of Sikhi Mahiti.
A mana is a standard of measurement in Orissa for rice and other food grains.