
’saksat-darsane’ praya saba nistarila

nakula-brahmacarira dehe ’avista’ ha-ila

pradyumna-nrsimhananda age kaila ’avirbhava’

’loka nistariba’,--ei isvara-svabhava


saksat-darsane—by direct meeting; praya—almost; saba—all; nistarila—delivered; nakula-brahmacarira—of a brahmacari named Nakula; dehe—in the body; avista ha-ila—entered; pradyumna-nrsimhananda—Pradyumna Nrsimhananda; age—in front of; kaila—made; avirbhava—appearance; loka nistariba—I shall deliver all the fallen souls; ei—this; isvara-svabhava—the characteristic of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu delivered almost all the fallen souls by directly meeting them.

He delivered others by entering the body of Nakula Brahmacari and by appearing before Nrsimhananda Brahmacari “I shall deliver the fallen souls.” This statement characterizes the Supreme Personality of Godhead.


The Lord always manifested His avirbhava appearance in the following four places: (1) the house of Srimati Sacimata, (2) wherever Nityananda Prabhu danced in ecstasy, (3) the house of Srivasa (when kirtana was performed), and (4) the house of Raghava Pandita.

Lord Caitanya Himself appeared in these four places.