
vaisnava hana yeba sariraka-bhasya sune

sevya-sevaka-bhava chadi’ apanare ’isvara’ mane


vaisnava hana—being a Vaisnava; yeba—anyone who; sariraka-bhasya—the Mayavada commentary Sariraka-bhasya; sune—listens to; sevya-sevaka-bhava—the Krsna conscious attitude that the Lord is the master and the living entity is His servant; chadi’-giving up; apanare—himself; isvara—the Supreme Lord; mane—considers "When a Vaisnava listens to the Sariraka-bhasya, the Mayavada commentary upon Vedanta-sutra, he gives up the Krsna conscious attitude that the Lord is the master and the living entity is His servant.

Instead, he considers himself the Supreme Lord.


The philosophers known as kevaladvaita-vadis generally occupy themselves with hearing the Sariraka-bhasya, a commentary by Sankaracarya advocating that one impersonally consider oneself the Supreme Lord.

Such Mayavada philosophical commentaries upon Vedanta are simply imaginary, but there are other commentaries on Vedanta philosophy.

The commentary by Srila Ramanujacarya, known as Sri-bhasya, establishes the visistadvaita-vada philosophy.

Similarly, in the Brahma-sampradaya, Madhvacarya’s Purnaprajna-bhasya establishes suddha-dvaita-vada.

In the Kumara-sampradaya, or Nimbarka-sampradaya, Sri Nimbarka establishes the philosophy of dvaitadvaita-vada in the Parijata-saurabha-bhasya.

And in the Visnusvami-sampradaya, or Rudra-sampradaya, which comes from Lord Siva, Visnusvami has written a commentary called Sarvajna-bhasya, which establishes suddhadvaita-vada.

A Vaisnava should study the commentaries on Vedanta-sutra written by the four sampradaya-acaryas, namely Sri Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Visnusvami and Nimbarka, for these commentaries are based upon the philosophy that the Lord is the master and that all living entities are His eternal servants.

One interested in studying Vedanta philosophy properly must study these commentaries, especially if he is a Vaisnava.

These commentaries are always adored by Vaisnavas.

The commentary by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati is elaborately given in the Adi-lila, Chapter Seven, text 101.

The Mayavada commentary Sariraka-bhasya is like poison for a Vaisnava.

It should not be touched at all.

Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura remarks that even a maha-bhagavata, or highly elevated devotee who has surrendered himself unto the lotus feet of Krsna, sometimes falls down from pure devotional service if he hears the Mayavada philosophy of Sariraka-bhasya.

This commentary should therefore be shunned by all Vaisnavas.