
’vyakarana’ nahi jane, na jane ’alankara’

’natakalankara’-jnana nahika yahara

krsna-lila varnite na jane sei chara!

visese durgama ei caitanya-vihara


vyakarana—grammar; nahi jane—does not know; na jane—does not know; alankara—metaphorical ornaments; nataka-alankara—of the metaphorical ornaments of drama; jnana—knowledge; nahika—there is not; yahara—of whom; krsna-lila—the pastimes of Lord Krsna; varnite—to describe; na jane—does not know; sei—he; chara—condemned; visese—especially; durgama—very, very difficult; ei—these; caitanya-vihara—the pastimes of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu "A poet who does not know the grammatical regulative principles, who is unfamiliar with metaphorical ornaments, especially those employed in drama, and who does not know how to present the pastimes of Lord Krsna is condemned.

Moreover, the pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu are especially difficult to understand.