
trayya copanisadbhis ca

sankhya-yogais ca satvataih


harim samanyatatmajam


trayya—by followers of the three Vedas who perform great sacrifices like Indra and other demigods; ca—also; upanisadbhih—by the followers of the Upanisads, the topmost portion of Vedic knowledge; ca—also; sankhya—by the philosophers who analytically study the universe; yogaih—by mystic yogis; ca—and; satvataih—by devotees who follow the method of worship mentioned in the Pancaratra and other Vedic literatures; upagiyamana—being sung; mahatmyam—whose glories; harim—unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead; sa—she, mother Yasoda; amanyata—considered; atma-jam—her own son, born out of her body "When mother Yasoda saw all the universes within the mouth of Krsna, she was certainly astonished for the time being.

Nevertheless, she still considered the Lord her own son, although He is worshiped by great personalities who offer him sacrifices, great saints who understand the greatness of the Lord by studying the Upanisads, great philosophers who analytically study the universe, great yogis who know him as the all-pervading Supersoul, and even devotees who accept the Lord as the Supreme Personality of Godhead.’


This verse is from Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.8.45).