hena-kale aila tatha bhavananda raya
cari-putra-sange pade mahaprabhura paya
hena-kale—at this time; aila—came; tatha—there; bhavananda raya—Bhavananda Raya; cari-putra-sange—with four of his sons; pade—fell down; mahaprabhura paya—at the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
At this time Bhavananda Raya appeared with four of his sons, and all of them fell down at the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
Bhavananda Raya had five sons, one of whom was the exalted personality known as Ramananda Raya.
Bhavananda Raya first met Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu after His return from South India.
At that time Ramananda Raya was still serving at his government post; therefore when Bhavananda Raya went to see Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, he went with his other four sons.
They were named Vaninatha, Gopinatha, Kalanidhi and Sudhanidhi.
A description of Bhavananda Raya and his five sons is given in the Adi-lila (10.133-34).