

atma samarpilun ami tomara carane


nija—own; grha—house; vitta—wealth; bhrtya—servants; panca-putra—five sons; sane—with; atma—self; samarpilun—surrender; ami—I; tomara—Your; carane—at the lotus feet.

Appreciating Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s favor, Bhavananda Raya also said, "Along with my home, riches, servants and five sons, I surrender myself at Your lotus feet.


This is the process of surrender.

As Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura sings:

manasa, deha, geha, yo kichu mora

arpilun tuya pade nanda-kisora! (Saranagati) When one surrenders unto the lotus feet of the Lord, he does so with everything in his possession-his house, his body, his mind and whatever else he possesses.

If there is any obstruction to this surrendering process, one should immediately give it up without attachment.

If one can surrender with all his family members, there is no need to take sannyasa.

However, if the surrendering process is hampered by so-called family members, one should immediately give them up to complete the surrendering process.