ei-mata yaite yaite gela kurma-sthane
kurma dekhi’ kaila tanre stavana-praname
ei-mata—in this way; yaite yaite—while passing; gela—He went; kurma-sthane—to the place of pilgrimage known as Kurma-ksetra; kurma dekhi’-seeing Lord Kurma; kaila—offered; tanre—unto Him; stavana—prayers; praname—and obeisances.
When Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu came to the holy place known as Kurma-ksetra, He saw the Deity and offered prayers and obeisances.
This Kurma-sthana is a well-known place of pilgrimage.
There is a temple there of Kurmadeva.
In the Prapannamrta it is said that Lord Jagannatha took Sri Ramanujacarya from Jagannatha Puri and one night threw him to Kurma-ksetra.
This Kurma-ksetra is situated on the line of the Southern Railway in India.
One has to go to the railway station known as Cika Kola Road.
From this station one goes eight miles to the east to reach the holy place known as Kurmacala.
Those who speak the Telugu language consider this holy place very important.
This statement is reported in the government gazette known as Ganjama Manual.
There is the Deity of Kurma there, and Srila Ramanujacarya was thrown from Jagannatha Puri to this place.
At that time he thought that the Deity of Kurma was Lord Siva’s deity; therefore he was fasting there.
Later, when he understood that the kurma-murti was another form of Lord Visnu, he instituted very gorgeous worship of Lord Kurma.
This statement is found in the Prapannamrta (Chapter Thirty-six).
This holy place of Kurma-ksetra, or Kurma-sthana, was actually reestablished by Sripada Ramanujacarya under the influence of Lord Jagannatha-deva at Jagannatha Puri.
Later the temple came under the jurisdiction of the king of Vijaya-nagara.
The Deity was worshiped by the Vaisnavas of the Madhvacarya-sampradaya.
In the temple there are some inscriptions said to be written by Sri Narahari Tirtha, who was in the disciplic succession of Madhvacarya.
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura explains those inscriptions as follows: (1) Sri Purusottama Yati appeared as the instructor of many learned men.
He was a very favorite devotee of Lord Visnu (2) His preaching was accepted throughout the world with great respect, and by his power he would liberate many nondevotees with strong reason and logic (3) He initiated Ananda Tirtha and converted many foolish men to accept sannyasa and punished them with his rod (4) All his writings and words are very potent.
He gave people devotional service to Lord Visnu so they could be elevated to liberation in the spiritual world (5) His instructions in devotional service were able to elevate any man to the lotus feet of the Lord (6) Narahari Tirtha was also initiated by him, and he became the ruler of the Kalinga province (7) Narahari Tirtha fought with the Sabaras, who were candalas, or hunters, and thus saved the temple of Kurma (8) Narahari Tirtha was a very religious and powerful king (9) He died in the Saka Era 1203, in the month of Vaisakha in the fortnight of the moon’s waxing period, on the day of Ekadasi, after the temple was constructed and dedicated to the holy name of Yogananda Nrsimhadeva.
The tablet is dated A.D 1281, 29 March, Saturday.