
nija-gana ani’ kahe vinaya kariya

alingana kari’ sabaya sri-haste dhariya

toma-saba jani ami pranadhika kari’

prana chada yaya, toma-saba chadite na pari


nija-gana ani’-calling all the devotees; kahe—said; vinaya—humbleness; kariya—showing; alingana kari’-embracing; sabaya—all of them; sri-haste—with His hands; dhariya—catching them; toma-saba—all of you; jani—I know; ami—I; prana-adhika—more than My life; kari’-taking; prana chada—giving up life; yaya—is possible; toma-saba—all of you; chadite—to give up; na pari—I am not able.

Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu called all His devotees together and, holding them by the hand, humbly informed them, "You are all more dear to Me than My life.

I can give up My life, but to give up you is difficult for Me.