
priyena sangrathya vipaksa-sannidhav

upahitam vaksasi pivara-stani

srajam na kacid vijahau jalavilam

vasanti hi premni guna na vastuni


priyena—by the lover; sangrathya—after stringing; vipaksa-sannidhau—in the presence of an opposite party; upahitam—placed; vaksasi—on the chest; pivara-stani—having raised breasts; srajam—a garland; na—not; kacit—some beloved; vijahau—rejected; jala-avilam—muddy; vasanti—reside; hi—because; premni—in love; gunah—attributes; na—not; vastuni—in the material things “A dear lover strung a garland and placed it on the shoulder of his beloved in the presence of her co-wives.

She had raised breasts and was very beautiful, yet although the garland was tainted with mud, she did not reject it, for its value lay not in material things but in love.”


This is a verse from the Kiratarjuniya by Bharavi.