jala-lila kari’ govinda calila alaya
nija-gana lana prabhu gela devalaya
jala-lila kari’-after finishing the pastimes on the water; govinda—Lord Jagannatha in His moving form as Govinda; calila alaya—returned to His place; nija-gana—His devotees; lana—taking; prabhu—Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; gela—went; deva-alaya—to the temple.
Then Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu went to the temple, taking all His devotees with Him.
The Deity referred to herein as Govinda is the vijaya-vigraha in the temple of Jagannatha.
When there is a need to take Jagannatha somewhere, the vijaya-vigraha is taken because the body of Jagannatha is very heavy.
The vijaya-vigraha in the Jagannatha temple is known as Govinda.
For the pastimes in the Narendrasarovara, the vijaya-vigraha was carried there instead of Lord Jagannatha.