"tumi--purna-brahmananda, karaha smarana
brahmavit hana kene karaha rodana?"
tumi—you; purna-brahma-ananda—full in transcendental bliss; karaha smarana—you should remember; brahma-vit hana—being fully aware of Brahman; kene—why; karaha rodana—are you crying “If you are in full transcendental bliss,” he said,“you should now remember only Brahman.
Why are you crying?”
As stated in Bhagavad-gita, brahma-bhutah prasannatma: a Brahman realized person is always happy.
Na socati na kanksati: he neither laments nor aspires for anything.
Not knowing why Madhavendra Puri was crying, Ramacandra Puri tried to become his advisor.
Thus he committed a great offense, for a disciple should never try to instruct his spiritual master.