paramananda-puri kaila carana vandana
puri-gosani kaila tanre drdha alingana
paramananda-puri—Paramananda Puri; kaila—did; carana—unto the feet; vandana—offering obeisances; puri-gosani—Ramacandra Puri; kaila—did; tanre—unto him; drdha—strong; alingana—embracing.
Paramananda Puri offered respects at the feet of Ramacandra Puri, and Ramacandra Puri strongly embraced him.
Because Ramacandra Puri was a disciple of Madhavendra Puri, both Paramananda Puri and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu offered him respectful obeisances.
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura comments that although Ramacandra Puri was naturally very envious and although he was against the principles of Vaisnavism-or, in other words, against the principles of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His devotees-common people nevertheless addressed him as Gosvami or Gosani because he was superficially in the renounced order and dressed like a sannyasi.
In the modern age the title gosvami is used by a caste of grhasthas, but formerly it was not.
Rupa Gosvami and Sanatana Gosvami, for example, were called gosvami because they were in the renounced order.
Similarly, because Paramananda Puri was a sannyasi, he was called Puri Gosvami.
By careful scrutiny, therefore, one will find that gosvami is not the title for a certain caste; rather, it is properly the title for a person in the renounced order.