
ei ye sri-madhavendra sri-pada upeksa karila

sei aparadhe inhara ’vasana, janmila


ei—this; ye—that; sri-madhavendra sri-pada—His Lordship Madhavendra Puri; upeksa karila—neglected or denounced; sei aparadhe—because of the offense; inhara—of Ramacandra Puri; vasana—material desire; janmila—arose.

Ramacandra Puri was thus denounced by Madhavendra Puri.

Due to his offense, gradually material desire appeared within him.


The word vasana (“material desires”) refers to dry speculative knowledge.

Such speculative knowledge is only material.

As confirmed in Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.14.4), a person without devotional service who simply wants to know things (kevala-bodha-labdhaye) gains only dry speculative knowledge but no spiritual profit.

This is also confirmed in the Bhakti-sandarbha (111), wherein it is said:

jivan-mukta api punar

yanti samsara-vasanam

yady acintya-maha-saktau

bhagavaty aparadhinah “Even though one is liberated in this life, if one offends the Supreme Personality of Godhead he falls down in the midst of material desires, of which dry speculation about spiritual realization is one.” In his Laghu-tosani commentary on Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.2.32), Jiva Gosvami says;

jivan-mukta api punar

bandhanam yanti karmabhih

yady acintya-maha-saktau

bhagavaty aparadhinah “Even if one is liberated in this life, he becomes addicted to material desires because of offenses to the Supreme Personality of Godhead.” A similar quotation from one of the Puranas also appears in the Visnu-bhakti-candrodaya:

jivan-muktah prapadyante

kvacit samsara-vasanam

yogino na vilipyante

karmabhir bhagavat-parah “Even liberated souls sometimes fall down to material desires, but those who fully engaged in devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead are not affected by such desires.” These are references from authoritative revealed scriptures.

If one becomes an offender to his spiritual master or the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he falls down to the material platform to merely speculate.