
yada yam anugrhnati

bhagavan atma-bhavitah

sa jahati matim loke

vede ca parinisthitam


yada—when; yam—to whom; anugrhnati—shows special favor; bhagavan—the Supreme Personality of Godhead; atma-bhavitah—who is seated in everyone’s heart; sah—that person; jahati—gives up; matim—attention; loke—to social behavior; vede—to Vedic injunctions; ca—also; parinisthitam—attached “ ’When one is inspired by the Lord, who is sitting in everyone’s heart, he does not care for social custom or Vedic regulative principles.’ ”


This instruction (Bhag.4.29.46) was given by Narada Gosvami to King Pracinabarhi in connection with the story of Puranjana.

Here Narada implies that without the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead one cannot extricate himself from the fruitive activities that are under the jurisdiction of the Vedas.

In previous verses (Bhag.4.29.42-44) Narada admits that even personalities like Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, Manu, the Prajapatis (headed by Daksa), the four Kumaras, Marici, Atri, Angira, Pulastya, Pulaha, Kratu, Bhrgu, Vasistha and even Narada himself could not properly receive the causeless mercy of the Lord.