
adarsaniyan api nica-jatin

samviksate hanta tathapi no mam

mad-eka-varjam krpayisyatiti

nirniya kim so ’vatatara devah


adarsaniyan—upon those who are unfit to be seen; api—although; nica-jatin—the lower class of men; samviksate—puts His merciful glance; hanta—alas; tatha api—still; na u—not; mam—upon me; mat—myself; eka—alone; varjam—rejecting; krpayisyati—He will bestow His mercy; iti—thus; nirniya—deciding; kim—whether; sah—Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; avatatara—has descended; devah—the Supreme Personality of Godhead “ ’Alas, has Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu made His advent deciding that He will deliver all others with the exception of me? He bestows His merciful glance upon many lower-class men who are usually not even to be seen.’ ”


This verse is found in the Sri Caitanya-candrodaya-nataka (8.28).