
bahya-jnana nahi, se-kale krsna-nama suni, alingana karibena tomaya ’vaisnava’ jani’


bahya-jnana nahi—without external consciousness; se-kale—at that time; krsna-nama suni’—by hearing the holy name of Lord Krsna; alingana karibena—He will embrace; tomaya—you; vaisnava jani’—taking you to be a Vaisnava "Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu will be in a mood of ecstatic love, without external consciousness.

At that time, as you recite those chapters from Srimad-Bhagavatam, He will embrace you, knowing you to be a pure Vaisnava.


A Vaisnava is always ready to help another Vaisnava progress toward realization of the Absolute Truth.

Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya could understand the King’s position as a pure Vaisnava.

The King was always thinking of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and the Bhattacarya wanted to help him approach the Lord.

A Vaisnava is always compassionate, especially when he sees a prospective devotee very much determined (drdha-vrata).

Consequently the Bhattacarya was ready to help the King.