
mahaprabhu jagannathera upala-bhoga dekhiya

nija-grhe ya’na ei tinere miliya


mahaprabhu—Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; jagannathera—of Lord Jagannatha; upala-bhoga—offering of food on the stone; dekhiya—after seeing; nija-grhe—to His own residence; ya’na—goes; ei—these; tinere—three; miliya—meeting.

Every day Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu used to see the upala-bhoga ceremony at the temple of Jagannatha, and after seeing this He used to go visit these three great personalities on His way to His own residence.


Upala-bhoga is a particular type of offering performed just behind the Garuda-stamba on a stone slab.

That stone slab is called the upala.

All food is offered within the temple room just below the altar of Jagannatha.

This bhoga, however, was offered on the stone slab within the vision of the public; therefore it is called upala-bhoga.