ahus ca te nalina-nabha padaravindam
yogesvarair hrdi vicintyam agadha-bodhaih
geham jusam api manasy udiyat sada nah
ahuh—the gopis said; ca—and; te—Your; nalina-nabha—O Lord, whose navel is just like a lotus flower; pada-aravindam—lotus feet; yoga-isvaraih—by the great mystic yogis; hrdi—within the heart; vicintyam—to be meditated upon; agadha-bodhaih—who were highly learned philosophers; samsara-kupa—the dark well of material existence; patita—of those fallen; uttarana—of deliverers; avalambam—the only shelter; geham—family affairs; jusam—of those engaged; api—although; manasi—in the minds; udiyat—let be awakened; sada—always; nah—our.
The gopis spoke thus, “Dear Lord, whose navel is just like a lotus flower, Your lotus feet are the only shelter for those who have fallen into the deep well of material existence.
Your feet are worshiped and meditated upon by great mystic yogis and highly learned philosophers.
We wish that these lotus feet may also be awakened within our hearts, although we are only ordinary persons engaged in household affairs.”
This is a verse from Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.82.48).