tomara carana mora vraja-pura-ghare
udaya karaye yadi, tabe vancha pure
tomara—Your; carana—lotus feet; mora—my; vraja-pura-ghare—at the home in Vrndavana; udaya—awaken; karaye—I do; yadi—if; tabe—then; vancha—desires; pure—are fulfilled.
The gopis thought, “Dear Lord, if Your lotus feet again come to our home in Vrndavana, our desires will be fulfilled.”
In his Anubhasya, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura comments: “The gopis are purely engaged in the service of the Lord without motive.
They are not captivated by the opulence of Krsna, nor by the understanding that He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead.” Naturally the gopis were inclined to love Krsna, for He was an attractive young boy of Vrndavana village.
Being village girls, they were not very much attracted to the field of Kuruksetra, where Krsna was present with elephants, horses and royal dress.
Indeed, they did not very much appreciate Krsna in that atmosphere.
Krsna was not attracted by the opulence or personal beauty of the gopis but by their pure devotional service.
Similarly, the gopis were attracted to Krsna as a cowherd boy, not in sophisticated guise.
Lord Krsna is inconceivably powerful.
To understand Him, great yogis and saintly persons give up all material engagements and meditate upon Him.
Similarly, those who are overly attracted to material enjoyment, to enhancement of material opulence, to family maintenance or to liberation from the entanglements of this material world take shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
But such activities and motivations are unknown to the gopis; they are not at all expert in executing such auspicious activities.
Already transcendentally enlightened, they simply engage their purified senses in the service of the Lord in the remote village of Vrndavana.
The gopis are not interested in dry speculation, in the arts, in music, or other conditions of material life.
They are bereft of all understanding of material enjoyment and renunciation.
Their only desire is to see Krsna return and enjoy spiritual, transcendental pastimes with them.
The gopis want Him simply to stay in Vrndavana so that they can render service unto Him, for His pleasure.
There is not even a tinge of personal sense gratification.