narahari rahu amara bhakta-gana-sane
ei tina karya sada karaha tina jane, SYNONYMS
narahari—Narahari; rahu—let him remain; amara—My; bhakta-gana-sane—along with other devotees; ei tina karya—these three divisions of duty; sada—always; karaha—execute; tina jane—you three persons.
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu then ordered Narahari: “I wish you to remain here with My devotees.
In this way the three of you should always execute these three duties for the service of the Lord.”
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu set forth three duties for three different people.
Mukunda was to earn money and follow the religious principles, whereas Narahari was to remain with the Lord’s devotees, and Raghunandana was to engage in the Lord’s service in the temple.
Thus one person worships in the temple, another earns money honestly by executing his professional duty, and yet another preaches Krsna consciousness with the devotees.
Apparently these three types of service appear separate, but actually they are not.
When Krsna or Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the center, everyone can engage in different activities for the service of the Lord.
That is the verdict of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.