
’upala-bhoga’ lagile kare bahire vijaya

haridasa mili’ aise apana nilaya


upala-bhoga lagile—when there is an offering of food known as upala-bhoga; kare bahire vijaya—He remains outside; haridasa mili’-meeting Haridasa Thakura; aise—comes back; apana nilaya—to His residence.

After visiting the temple, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu would remain outside during the upala-bhoga offering.

He would then go meet Haridasa Thakura and return to His residence.


At noon, when there was an upala-bhoga offering in a place called bhoga-vardhana-khanda, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu would go outside the temple.

Before going outside, He used to stand near the Garuda-stambha column and offer His obeisances and prayers.

Afterwards, the Lord would visit Siddha-bakula, where Haridasa Thakura lived.

After visiting with Haridasa Thakura, the Lord would return to His own place at the abode of Kasi Misra.