
acaryere ajna dila kariya sammana

’a-candala adi krsna-bhakti dio dana’


acaryere—unto Advaita Acarya; ajna dila—ordered; kariya sammana—with great respect; a-candala—even to the lowest of men, known as the candala; adi—beginning with; krsna-bhakti—Krsna consciousness, or devotional service to Lord Krsna; dio—deliver; dana—in charity.

With great respect, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu requested Advaita Acarya, “Give Krsna consciousness, devotion to Krsna, even to the lowest of men (candalas).”


This is Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s order to all His devotees.

Krsna-bhakti, devotion to Krsna, is open to everyone, even low-class men like candalas.

One should follow this order in the disciplic succession stemming from Sri Advaita and Nityananda Prabhu and distribute Krsna consciousness without discrimination throughout the world.

There are different kinds of men, beginning with the brahmana and going down to the lowest platform known as candala.

Whatever one’s position, everyone in this Age of Kali needs to be enlightened in Krsna consciousness.

That is the greatest need of the day.

Everyone is acutely feeling the pangs of material existence.

Even in the ranks and files of the American Senate, the pinpricks of material existence are felt, so much so that April 30, 1974, was actually set aside as Prayer Day.

Thus everyone is feeling the resultant pinpricks of Kali-yuga brought about by human society’s indulging in illicit sex, meat-eating, gambling and intoxication.

Now is the time for the members of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness to distribute krsna-bhakti all over the world and thus follow the orders of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

The Lord has ordered everyone to become a guru (Cc.Madhya 7.128): amara ajnaya guru hana tara’ ei desa.

Everyone in every town and village should be enlightened by the instructions of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

Krsna consciousness should be distributed to everyone indiscriminately.

In this way, the entire world will be peaceful and happy, and everyone will glorify Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, as He desires.

The word candala actually refers to a dog-eater, who is considered the lowest of men.

Even candalas can be enlightened in Krsna consciousness due to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s benedictions.

Krsna-bhakti is not the monopoly of a certain caste.

Everyone is eligible to receive this great benediction given by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

Everyone should be given a chance to receive it and be happy.

The word dana, meaning “charity,” is also significant in this verse.

Whoever engages in the distribution of Krsna consciousness is a charitable person.

Professional men recite Srimad-Bhagavatam and discuss krsna-bhakti for an exchange of money.

They cannot distribute such exalted transcendental property to everyone and anyone.

Only pure devotees who have no motive other than serving Krsna can give such transcendentally valuable benedictions out of charity.