dui prabhu lana acarya gela bhitara ghare
prasada dekhiya prabhura ananda antare
dui prabhu—the two prabhus (Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Nityananda Prabhu); lana—with; acarya—Advaita Acarya; gela—went; bhitara—within; ghare—the room; prasada—the prasada; dekhiya—seeing; prabhura—of Caitanya Mahaprabhu; ananda antare—was very pleased within Himself.
Advaita Acarya took Lord Nityananda Prabhu and Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu within the room, and the two Lords saw the arrangement of the prasada.
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was especially very much pleased.
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was pleased because He saw how nicely so many varieties of food were prepared for Krsna.
Actually all kinds of prasada are prepared for Krsna, not for the people, but the devotees partake of prasada with great pleasure.