

pradivyad-adharamrtah sukrti-labhya-phela-lavah


sa me madana-mohanah sakhi tanoti jihva-sprham


vraja—of Vrndavana; atula—incomparable; kulangana—of the gopis; itara—other; rasa-ali—for tastes or mellows; trsna—desire; hara—vanquishing; pradivyat—all-surpassing; adhara-amrtah—whose nectar emanating from the lips; sukrti—after many pious activities; labhya—obtainable; phela—of the nectar of whose lips; lavah—a small portion; sudha-jit—conquering the nectar; ahivallika—of the betel plant; su-dala—made from selected leaves; vitika—pan; carvitah—chewing; sah—He; me—My; madana-mohanah—Madana-mohana; sakhi—My dear friend; tanoti—increases; jihva—of the tongue; sprham—desire “My dear friend, the all-surpassing nectar from the lips of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, can be obtained only after many, many pious activities.

For the beautiful gopis of Vrndavana, that nectar vanquishes the desire for all other tastes.

Madana-mohana always chews pan that surpasses the nectar of heaven.

He is certainly increasing the desires of My tongue.”


This verse is found in the Govinda-lilamrta (8.8).