
adharamrta nija-svare, sancariya sei bale, akarsaya trijagat-jana

amara dharma-bhaya kari’, rahi’ yadi dhairya dhari’, tabe amaya kare vidambana


adhara-amrta—the nectar of the lips; nija-svare—with the vibration of the flute; sancariya—combining; sei—that; bale—by strength; akarsaya—attract; tri-jagat-jana—the people of the three worlds; amara—we; dharma—religion; bhaya—fear; kari’-because of; rahi’-remaining; yadi—if; dhairya dhari’-keeping patient; tabe—then; amaya—us; kare vidambana—criticizes "The nectar of Krsna’s lips, combined with the vibration of His flute, attracts all the people of the three worlds.

However, if we gopis remain patient out of respect for religious principles, the flute then criticizes us.