The Cosmic Machine
Srila Prabhupada: Scientists do not know that there are two types of energy--inferior and superior-although they are actually working with these two energies every day.
Material energy can never work independently; it must first come in contact with spiritual energy.
So how can people accept that the entire cosmic manifestation, which is nothing but matter, has come about automatically? A competent machine does not work unless a man who knows how to work it pushes a button.
A Cadillac is a nice car, but if it has no driver, what is the use of it? So the material universe is also a machine.
People are amazed at seeing a big machine with many, many parts, but an intelligent person knows that however wonderful a machine may be, it does not work unless an operator comes and pushes the proper button.
Therefore, who is more important--the operator or the machine? So we are concerned not with the material machine--this cosmic manifestation--but with its operator, Krsna.
Now you may say, "Well, how do I know that He is the operator?" Krsna says, mayadhyaksena prakrtih suyate sacaracaram: "Under My direction the whole cosmic manifestation is working." If you say, "No, Krsna is not the operator behind the cosmos," then you have to accept another operator, and you must present him.
But this you cannot do.
Therefore, in the absence of your proof, you should accept mine.
The Fifth Morning Walk: May 3, 1973 Recorded on May 3, 1973, on the shores of the Pacific Ocean near Los Angeles Srila Prabhupada:is accompanied by Dr.Singh and Brahmananda Svami.