The Scientists' Mistake
Srila Prabhupada: The scientists' mistake is that they are ignorant of the two energies--material and spiritual.
They say that everything is material and that everything emanates from matter.
The defect in their theories is that they begin from matter instead of spirit.
Since matter comes from spirit, in a sense everything is spiritual.
Spiritual energy is the source and can exist without the material energy.
But the material energy has no existence without the spiritual energy.
It is correct to say that darkness begins from light, not that light begins from darkness.
Scientists think that consciousness comes from matter.
Actually, consciousness always exists, but when it is covered or degraded by ignorance, it is a form of unconsciousness.
So "material" means forgetfulness of Krsna, and "spiritual" means full consciousness of Krsna.
Is this clear? Try to understand: darkness comes from light.
When no light is visible, then we are in darkness.
Clouds are not to be found in the sun; that would be against the nature of the sun.
But by the energy of the sun other things are temporarily created, such as mist, clouds or darkness.
These creations are temporary, but the sun remains.
Similarly, material nature is temporary, but spiritual nature is permanent.
Krsna consciousness means getting out of this temporary nature and attaining a permanent, spiritual nature.
No one actually wants this temporary nature; no one likes this cloudy atmosphere.
Dr.Singh: is this cloudy consciousness created from spiritual energy? Srila Prabhupada: Yes.
Dr.Singh: And matter is also created from the superior energy? Srila Prabhupada: Aham sarvasya prabhavo mattah sarvam pravartate.
Krsna says, "I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds.
Everything emanates from Me." (Bg.8.10) Krsna is the creator of everything, bad or good.
Actually, "bad and good" is a material creation.
Krsna's creation is good; God is good.
What you think is bad is good for God.
Therefore, we cannot understand Krsna.
He is doing something that in our consideration may be bad, but for Him there is no such thing as good or bad.
For example, Krsna married sixteen thousand wives.
Some people may criticize, "Ah, He is so mad after women." But they do not see the whole picture.
Krsna's power is so great that He expanded Himself into sixteen thousand different husbands.