Mystic Television
Dr.Singh: They now have things they did not have before, like telephones, televisions, airplanes, missiles and many other new discoveries.
Srila Prabhupada: But there are better telephones that they do not know about.
In Bhagavad-gita, Sanjaya demonstrated this when he was sitting with his master, Dhrtarastra, and relating all the affairs that were taking place far away on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra.
Sanjaya's vision was actually greater than the telephone.
It was mystic television.
It was television within the heart, for he was sitting in a room far from the battlefield and still seeing everything that was occurring there.
In Bhagavad-gita, Dhrtarastra inquired of Sanjaya, "How are my sons and nephews? What are they doing?" Then Sanjaya described how Duryodhana was going to Dronacarya, what Dronacarya was speaking, how Duryodhana was replying, and so on.
Even though these activities were too far away to be seen by ordinary eyes, Sanjaya could see and describe them through his mystic power.
That is real science.
Dr.Singh: Some scientists say that we have improved on nature by making things like plastic and medicine.
Srila Prabhupada: In Vedic times people ate on silver and golden plates, but now the scientists have improved things with plastic plates.
[Laughter.] Dr.Singh: The plastic has become a great problem because they cannot get rid of it.
There is no way to dispose of it.
It just continues to pile up.