The Difference Between Matter and Spirit
Dr.Singh: Scientists say that trees also have consciousness.
Srila Prabhupada: Yes, that is true, but a tree's consciousness and my consciousness are different.
My consciousness is more developed.
If you pinch my body, I will immediately protest.
But if you cut a tree, it will not protest.
Actually, everything has consciousness in it; it is simply a question of degree.
The more covered consciousness is by matter, the more it is considered material.
And the more consciousness is developed, the more it is considered spiritual.
This is the difference between matter and spirit.
Spirit souls are everywhere.
They are trying to come out of the earth.
[Points to the grass.] As soon as there is an opportunity, they want to express their consciousness.
Those souls who descend from higher planets to this planet sometimes fall down to the ground in raindrops.
Then they become grass and gradually evolve to higher forms of life.
Dr.Singh: Oh, that is terrible.
Srila Prabhupada: These are the workings of subtle energy.
What do the scientists know about this? Actually, their knowledge is carried away by maya, illusion, and they are thinking, "Oh, I am a very learned scholar."