Yogic Weapons

Srila Prabhupada: You have no power to drive away this mist.

Scientists merely explain it with some word jugglery, saying that it contains certain chemicals.

[He laughs.] But they have no power to drive it away.

Dr.Singh: They do have an explanation as to how the mist is formed.

Srila Prabhupada: That they may have, and I may have that also, but that is not a very great credit.

If you really know how it is formed, then you should be able to counteract it.


We know how it is formed.

Srila Prabhupada: Then discover how to counteract it.

Formerly, in Vedic warfare, the atomic brahmastra[19] was used.

And to counteract it, the opposing army would have to use a weapon that would transform it into water.

But where is such a science today? Dr.Singh: Mist is something like milk.

Milk looks white, but actually it is a colloidal suspension of certain protein molecules.

Similarly, fog is a colloidal suspension of water.

Srila Prabhupada: So if you could create some type of fire, the mist would be immediately driven away; water can be driven away by fire.

But that you cannot do.

If you were to explode a bomb, it would generate heat, and all the mist would go away.

Karandhara: That might damage the whole city.

Srila Prabhupada: Everyone knows that fire can counteract water, but you cannot drive away the mist without killing people or destroying property.

But by nature's way, as soon as the sun rises, the mist is vanquished.

The power of the sun is greater than your power.

Therefore, you have to accept that inconceivable power exists.