Life on Other Planets
Srila Prabhupada: Even on the sun and moon there are living entities.
What is the opinion of the scientists?
Dr.Singh: They say there is no life there.
Srila Prabhupada: That is nonsense.
There is life there.
Dr.Singh: They say that there is no life on the moon because they did not find any there.
Srila Prabhupada: Why do they believe that? The moon planet is covered with dust, but within that dust the living entities can live.
Every atmosphere is suitable for life--any atmosphere.
Therefore the Vedas[1] describe the living entities as sarva-gatah, which means "existing in all circumstances." The living entity is not material.
Although encaged in a material body, he is not material.
But when we speak of different atmospheres, we refer to different material conditions.
Karandhara: They say that the moon's atmosphere is unsuitable for life, but all they can legitimately say is that it is unsuitable for life as they know it.
Srila Prabhupada: The Vedas say that the living entity has no connection with material things.
He cannot be burned, cut, dried up or moistened.
This is discussed in Bhagavad-gita.[2] Dr.Singh: Scientists extend their knowledge about life on this planet, thinking that it must apply to life on other planets also.
Srila Prabhupada: Yes.
They are thinking foremost of their own selves.
They are thinking limitedly, in terms of their own circumstances.
This is what we call "Dr.Frog's philosophy.
[Laughter.] Once there was a frog in a well, and when a friend informed him of the existence of the Atlantic Ocean, he asked the friend, "Oh, what is this Atlantic Ocean?" "It is a vast body of water," his friend replied.
"How vast? Is it twice the size of this well?" "Oh, no--much, much larger," his friend replied.
"How much larger? Ten times the size?" In this way, the frog went on calculating.
But what is the possibility or ever understanding the vastness of the great ocean in this way? Our faculties, our experience, and our powers of speculation are always limited.
The speculations of the scientists only give rise to such frog philosophy.
Karandhara: The basis of what they call "scientific integrity" is that they talk only about what they can directly experience.
Srila Prabhupada: You may talk about your experience, and I may talk about my experience.
But why should I accept your experience? You may be a fool, so why should I also become a fool? You may be a frog, but suppose I am a whale.
Why should I take your well as all in all? You have your method of acquiring scientific knowledge, and I have mine.
Dr.Singh: Because the scientists haven't detected any water on the surface of the moon, they've concluded that no life could survive there.
Srila Prabhupada: They haven't seen the whole surface of the moon.
Suppose someone were to come here from another planet, drop into the Arabian Desert and then return home.
Could he come to a complete conclusion about the nature of the whole earth? His knowledge would not be complete.
Karandhara: They have a device that senses water.
They say they've had it orbit the moon, and they've concluded that the moon has no water and therefore no life.
Srila Prabhupada: Even if, as on the sun, there is apparently no water, still there are living entities there.
How does a cactus grow in the desert, apparently without water? Karandhara: It gets water from the atmosphere.
Srila Prabhupada: Yes, because the atmosphere contains all the elements needed to sustain life: earth, water, fire, air and ether.
In anything material, all these elements are present.
For example, in my body there is water, although you cannot see it.
Similarly, you don't see fire in my body, yet my body is warm.
Where does this warmth come from? You don't see any fire.
Do you see any fire burning in my body? Then where does the warmth come from? What is the answer?