Giving Credit to the Primal Creator
Dr.Wolf-Rottkay: But in all humility, Srila Prabhupada, suppose the scientists actually succeed in artificially creating a living cell.
What would you say? Srila Prabhupada: What would be their credit? They would only be imitating what already exists in nature.
People are very fond of imitations.
If a man in a nightclub imitates a dog, people will go and pay money to watch him.
But when they see a real dog barking, they don't pay any attention to it.
Dr.Singh: Srila Prabhupada, the idea of chemical evolution came from a Russian biologist in 1920.
He demonstrated that before biochemical evolution, the earth's atmosphere was in a state of reduction.
In other words, it was mostly full of hydrogen, with very little oxygen.
Then, in due course, the sun's radiation caused these hydrogen molecules to form into different chemicals.
Srila Prabhupada: This is a side study.
First of all, where did the hydrogen come from? The scientists simply study the middle of the process; they do not study the origin.
We must know the beginning.
There is an airplane.
[indicates an airplane appearing on the horizon.] Would you say the origin of that machine is the sea? A foolish person might say that all of a sudden a light appeared in the sea, and that's how the airplane was created.
But is that a scientific explanation? The scientists' explanations are similar.
They say, "This existed, and then all of a sudden, by chance, that occurred." This is not science.
Science means to explain the original cause.
Perhaps the scientists can create imitations of nature, but why should we give them credit? we should give credit to the original creator, God; that is our philosophy.
Dr.Singh: When a scientist discovers some natural law, he usually names it after himself.
Srila Prabhupada: Yes, exactly.
The law is already there in nature, but the rascal wants to take credit for it.