Advertising Ignorance as Knowledge
Student: So it is our desire to enjoy that causes us to take on these material bodies, and our desire to achieve Krsna that brings us to our natural position? Srila Prabhupada: Yes.
Dr.Singh: But there seems to be a constant struggle with our lower nature.
We are constantly fighting our desires for sense gratification, even though we want to serve Krsna.
Does this continue? Student: The body is almost like a dictator from within.
Srila Prabhupada: Yes.
That means you are strongly under the control of material energy, or maya.
Dr.Singh: Even though we also desire to serve Krsna? Srila Prabhupada: Yes.
A thief may know that if he steals he will be arrested and put into jail--he may have even seen others being arrested--yet he still steals.
Even though he is aware that he is under the authority of the state, he still acts according to his desires.
This is called tamas, or ignorance.
Therefore, knowledge is the beginning of spiritual life.
In Bhagavad-gita, Krsna gives Arjuna knowledge.
He teaches, "You are not this body." This is the beginning of knowledge.
But where is the university that teaches this knowledge? Dr.Singh, can you tell me where that university is that teaches this knowledge? Dr.Singh: There is none.
Srila Prabhupada: That is the position of education: there is no knowledge.
They simply advertise ignorance as knowledge.
Dr.Singh: But if the scientists knew that they were not their bodies, their whole outlook would change.
Srila Prabhupada: Yes, we want that.
Student: But they don't want to admit their failure.
Srila Prabhupada: Then that is further foolishness.
If you are a fool and you pose yourself as intelligent, that is further foolishness.
Then you cannot make progress.
And if you remain in ignorance and advertise yourself as a man of knowledge, you are a great cheater.
You are cheating yourself and cheating others.
People are so mad after the material advancement of civilization that they have become exactly like cats and dogs.
For instance, they have set up an immigration department, and as soon as you enter a country these dogs go "Woof, woof, woof! Why have you come? What is your business?" This is a watchdog's activity.
A first-class gentleman is being searched for a revolver.
People cannot be trusted, and now there are so many educated rogues and thieves.
So what is the meaning of advancement? Can we say that education means advancement? Is this civilization?