Scientific Knowledge Comes From Krsna
Krsnakanti: The doctors marvel at the complex nature of the human brain.
Srila Prabhupada: Yes, but it is not the brain that works the body; it is the spirit soul.
Does a computer work by itself? No, a man works it.
He pushes the button; then something happens.
Otherwise, what is the value of the machine? You can keep the machine for thousands of years, but it will not work until a man comes to push the button.
But who is working, the machine or the man? Similarly, the human brain is also a machine, and it is working under the direction of Paramatma, an expansion of God within everyone's heart.
Scientists should accept God and His mystic power.
If they don't, they should be considered foolish.
On the basis of transcendental knowledge, we are directly challenging many big scientists and philosophers.
The other day, you brought that chemist, and I told him, "You are foolish." But he was not angry.
He admitted it, and I defeated all his arguments.
Perhaps you remember.
Dr.Singh: Yes.
In fact, he acknowledged that perhaps Krsna didn't give him all the procedural steps needed to perform his experiments.
Srila Prabhupada: He is against Krsna, so why should Krsna give him any facilities? If you are against Krsna and you want credit without Krsna, you will fail.
You must first be submissive, and then Krsna will give you all facilities.
We dare to face any scientist or philosopher and challenge him.
How? On the strength of Krsna.
I know that when I talk with them, Krsna will give me the necessary intelligence to defeat them.
Otherwise, from the viewpoint of scientific qualification, they are much more qualified than we.
We are laymen before them.
But we know Krsna, and Krsna knows everything.
Therefore we can challenge any scientists, just as a small child can challenge a very big man because he knows, "My father is here." He clutches the hand of his father, who makes sure that nobody can harm him.
Dr.Singh: Is the human form of life spoiled for those who do not try to understand Krsna consciousness? Srila Prabhupada: Yes.
People who do not try to understand their relationship with God simply die like animals--like cats and dogs.
They take birth, eat, sleep, beget children and die.
This is the sum total of their human lives.
These rascals think, "I am this body." They have no information of atma.
Atma means the self, or the individual soul.
Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita give us knowledge about the atma, but people are unaware of this.
People are unaware of the knowledge given to human society in the Vedic literature.
For example, the Vedas inform us that cow dung is pure.
Here in America especially, people bring their dogs onto the street to pass stool.
Of course, dog stool is very impure--germs thrive in it.
But people are such rascals that they do not consider this; instead, they distribute dog stool everywhere.
But there's no cow dung to be seen, even though the Vedas say that cow dung is pure.
Here is a sign: "Littering Illegal." But dog stool is allowed.
Just see how foolish people are.
It is illegal to drop a paper on the grass, but your dog is allowed to pass stool.
The government authorities will not allow you to bring even one mango from another country; but they will allow your dog to distribute its stool everywhere, although this stool is full of infectious germs.