agre nrtya, gita, vijnapti, dandavan-nati
abhyutthana, anuvrajya, tirtha-grhe gati
agre nrtya—dancing before the Deity; gita—songs; vijnapti—opening the mind; dandavat-nati—offering obeisances; abhyutthana—stand up; anuvrajya—following; tirtha-grhe gati—going to temples and places of pilgrimage "One should also (10) dance before the Deity, (11) sing before the Deity, (12) open one’s mind to the Deity, (13) offer obeisances to the Deity, (14) stand up before the Deity and the spiritual master just to show them respect, (15) follow the Deity or the spiritual master and (16) visit different places of pilgrimage or go see the Deity in the temple.