

pitrvan mitravad dharim

ye dhyayanti sadodyuktas

tebhyo ’piha namo namah


pati—a husband; putra—a son; suhrt—a friend; bhratr—a brother; pitr—a father; vat—like; mitra—an intimate friend; vat—like; harim—on the Supreme Personality of Godhead; ye—all those who; dhyayanti—meditate; sada—always; udyuktah—full of eagerness; tebhyah—unto them; api—also; iha—here; namah namah—repeated respectful obeisances " ’Let me offer my respectful obeisances again and again to those who always eagerly meditate upon the Supreme Personality of Godhead as a husband, son, friend, brother, father or intimate friend.’


This verse appears in the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu (1.2.308).