
yatha taror mula-nisecanena

trpyanti tat-skandha-bhujopasakhah

pranopaharac ca yathendriyanam

tathaiva sarvarhanam acyutejya


yatha—as; taroh—of a tree; mula—on the root; nisecanena—by pouring water; trpyanti—are satisfied; tat—of the tree; skandha—trunk; bhuja—branches; upasakhah—sub-branches; prana—to the living force; upaharat—from offering food; ca—also; yatha—as; indriyanam—of all the senses; tatha—similarly; eva—indeed; sarva—of all; arhanam—worship; acyuta—of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; ijya—worship " ’By pouring water on the root of a tree, one automatically satisfies the trunk, branches and twigs.

Similarly, by supplying food to the stomach, where it nourishes the life air, one satisfies all the senses.

In the same way, by worshiping Krsna and rendering Him service, one automatically satisfies all the demigods.’


This is a quotation from Srimad-Bhagavatam (4.31.14).