
krsnam smaran janam casya

prestham nija-samihitam

tat-tat-katha-ratas casau

kuryad vasam vraje sada


krsnam—Lord Krsna; smaran—thinking of; janam—a devotee; ca—and; asya—of His; prestham—very dear; nija-samihitam—chosen by oneself; tat-tat-katha—to those respective topics; ratah—attached; ca—and; asau—that; kuryat—should do; vasam—living; vraje—in Vrndavana; sada—always " ’The devotee should always think of Krsna within himself, and one should choose a very dear devotee who is a servitor of Krsna in Vrndavana.

One should constantly engage in topics about that servitor and his loving relationship to Krsna, and one should live in Vrndavana.

However, if one is physically unable to go to Vrndavana, he should mentally live there.’


This verse is found in the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu (1.2.294).