
sri-visnoh sravane pariksid abhavad vaiyasakih kirtane

prahladah smarane tad-anghri-bhajane laksmih prthuh pujane

akruras tv abhivandane kapi-patir dasye ’tha sakhye ’rjunah

sarvasvatma-nivedane balir abhut krsnaptir esam para


sri-visnoh—of Lord Sri Visnu; sravane—in hearing; pariksit—King Pariksit, known also as Visnurata, or one who is protected by Lord Visnu; abhavat—was; vaiyasakih—Sukadeva Gosvami; kirtane—in reciting Srimad-Bhagavatam; prahladah—Maharaja Prahlada; smarane—in remembering; tat-anghri—of Lord Visnu’s lotus feet; bhajane—in serving; laksmih—the goddess of fortune; prthuh—Maharaja Prthu; pujane—in worshiping the Deity of the Lord; akrurah—Akrura; tu—but; abhivandane—in offering prayers; kapi-patih—Hanumanji, or Vajrangaji; dasye—in servitude to Lord Ramacandra; atha—moreover; sakhye—in friendship; arjunah—Arjuna; sarvasva-atma-nivedane—in fully dedicating oneself; balih—Maharaja Bali; abhut—was; krsna-aptih—the achievement of the lotus feet of Lord Krsna; esam—of all of them; para—transcendental " ’Maharaja Pariksit attained the highest perfection, shelter at Lord Krsna’s lotus feet, simply by hearing about Lord Visnu.

Sukadeva Gosvami attained perfection simply by reciting Srimad-Bhagavatam.

Prahlada Maharaja attained perfection by remembering the Lord.

The goddess of fortune attained perfection by massaging the transcendental legs of Maha-Visnu.

Maharaja Prthu attained perfection by worshiping the Deity, and Akrura attained perfection by offering prayers unto the Lord.

Vajrangaji (Hanuman) attained perfection by rendering service to Lord Ramacandra, and Arjuna attained perfection simply by being Krsna’s friend.

Bali Maharaja attained perfection by dedicating everything to the lotus feet of Krsna.’


This verse appears in the Padyavali (53) and the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu (1.2.265).