
sastre yuktau ca nipunah

sarvatha drdha-niscayah

praudha-sraddho ’dhikari yah

sa bhaktav uttamo matah


sastre—in the revealed scriptures; yuktau—in logic; ca—also; nipunah—expert; sarvatha—in all respects; drdha-niscayah—who is firmly convinced; praudha—deep; sraddhah—who has faith; adhikari—eligible; yah—who; sah—he; bhaktau—in devotional service; uttamah—highest; matah—is considered " ’One who is expert in logic and understanding of revealed scriptures, and who always has firm conviction and deep faith that is not blind, is to be considered a topmost devotee in devotional service.’


This verse appears in the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu (1.2.17) by Srila Rupa Gosvami.