
akamah sarva-kamo va

moksa-kama udara-dhih

tivrena bhakti-yogena

yajeta purusam param


akamah—a pure devotee with no desire for material enjoyment; sarva-kamah—one who has no end to his desires for material enjoyment; va—or; moksa-kamah—one who desires to merge into the existence of Brahman; udara-dhih—being very intelligent; tivrena—firm; bhakti-yogena—by devotional service; yajeta—should worship; purusam—the person; param—supreme " ’Whether one desires everything or nothing, or whether he desires to merge into the existence of the Lord, he is intelligent only if he worships Lord Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, by rendering transcendental Ioving service.’


This is a verse from Srimad-Bhagavatam (2.3.10).