
manir yatha vibhagena

nila-pitadibhir yutah

rupa-bhedam avapnoti

dhyana-bhedat tathacyutah


manih—jewel, specifically the jewel known as vaidurya; yatha—as; vibhagena—separately; nila—blue; pita—yellow; adibhih—and with other colors; yutah—joined; rupa-bhedam—difference of form; avapnoti—gets; dhyana-bhedat—by different types of meditation; tatha—similarly; acyutah—the infallible Supreme Personality of Godhead “ ’When the jewel known as vaidurya touches various other materials, it appears to be separated into different colors, and consequently its forms also appear different.

Similarly, according to the meditational ecstasy of the devotee, the Lord, who is known as Acyuta (infallible), appears in different forms, although He is essentially one.’ ”


This is a verse quoted from Sri Narada-pancaratra.