amlitalaya dekhi’ sri-rama gaurahari
mallara-desete aila yatha bhattathari
amlitalaya—at Amlitala; dekhi’-seeing; sri-rama—the Deity of Ramacandra; gaurahari—Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; mallara-desete—to Mallara-desa; aila—came; yatha—where; bhattathari—the Bhattathari community.
After visiting Kanya-kumari, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu came to Amlitala, where He saw the Deity of Sri Ramacandra.
Thereafter He went to a place known as Mallara-desa, where a community of Bhattatharis lived.
North of Mallara-desa is South Kanarada.
To the east is Coorg and Mysoreisu, to the south is Cochin, and to the west is the Arabian Sea.
As far as the Bhattatharis are concerned, they are a nomadic community.
They camp wherever they like and have no fixed place of residence.
Outwardly they take up the dress of sannyasis, but their real business is stealing and cheating.
They allure others to supply women for their camp, and they cheat many women and keep them within their community.
In this way they increase their population.
In Bengal also there is a similar community.
Actually, all over the world there are nomadic communities whose business is simply to allure, cheat and steal innocent women.