
durvasane raghunathe kaila darasana

mahendra-saile parasuramera kaila vandana


durvasane—at Durvasana; raghunathe—Lord Ramacandra; kaila darasana—Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu visited; mahendra-saile—on Mahendra-saila; parasu-ramera—to Lord Parasurama; kaila vandana—offered prayers.

At Durvasana Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu visited the temple of Lord Ramacandra, and on the hill known as Mahendra-saila He saw Lord Parasurama.


In Durvasana, or Darbhasayana, seven miles east of Ramnad, there is a temple of Lord Ramacandra overlooking the ocean.

The hill known as Mahendra-saila is near Tirunelveli, and at the end of this hill is a city known as Tiruchendurd.

West of Mahendra-saila is the territory of Tribankura.

There is mention of Mahendra-saila in the Ramayana.